Stockmen’s Club
Stockmen’s Club
The Stockmen’s Club of Imperial Valley originated as a non-profit social club for affiliates of the local cattle industry in December 1963. Our first president was Albert H. Smith of Brawley.
Founding members of the Stockmen’s Club were Matt LaBrucherie, Lester Derrick, Tom Payne, Jack Wilkinson, R. S. Reese and Marion Turley.
Standing Policies
- The Stockmen’s Club restaurant is open Monday through Friday for members and their guests. Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Reservations are requested for parties of 6 or more.
- The Stockmen’s Club is open for dinner on Wednesdays from February through October for members and their guests. Dinner is served from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
- The Stockmen’s Club bar is open Monday through Friday beginning at 11:30 a.m. for members. The bar will remain open until the last member leaves or 12 a.m., whichever comes first. All guests must be accompanied by a member. The front door will remain locked after 3 p.m. Members will be required to have a key for access. During private rental parties held Monday through Friday members will have access to the bar. Courtesy should be shown to the event.
- Stockmen’s Club parties are open to members and their guests. Club parties consist of, but are not limited to, Cattle Call, Christmas Dinner,
Oktoberfest, etc. Reservations are required for Club parties. Guests should be accompanied by the member.
- Stockmen’s Club Quickie Parties (Parties that are sponsored by individual club members rather than the club itself) are for members and their spouses only unless specified by the host that guests are welcome. Quickie parties consist of but are not limited to, Monday Night Football, Super Bowl and New Year’s Day.
- The Stockmen’s Club is closed to members on Saturday & Sunday for private rental parties unless the member is an invited guest of the event. Charging privileges are allowed for members invited to private rental parties.
- Reservations will be taken for all Stockmen’s Club parties. Please call the office at 760-344-6864 to make reservations. There will be a $5.00 additional charge if reservations are made after the cut-off date. If you need to cancel a reservation please do so at least 24 hours in advance. Members will be billed for uncancelled reservations. Please respect these conditions.
- Members are responsible for their guests’ conduct while at the Stockmen’s Club. The Stockmen’s Club reserves the right to demand that a Member’s guest leave the club, with or without cause.
To qualify for membership in the Stockmen’s Club of Imperial Valley the prospective member must be a person 21 years of age or older.
Every person desiring to become a member of this Corporation must be proposed by no less than two members who are in good standing. Every application for membership shall first be submitted to the membership committee for review.
If the membership committee approves of the new member, the proposal shall then pass to the board of directors. If the member is approved by unanimous approval of the membership committee and by unanimous approval of the board of directors, the prospective member shall then be informed of his or her acceptance.
The member shall be designated as either a regular member or an associate member.